"After a stellar hurdles season, Sir Gino is set to embark on his exciting journey into chasing. As anticipation builds, fans eagerly await his debut at Kempton, hoping for more triumphs over fences."
Sir Gino, the remarkable juvenile hurdler from last season, is set to transition to chasing this year, as confirmed by his respected trainer, Nicky Henderson. The four-year-old French runner made a significant impact during his British debut, achieving victories that captured the attention of the racing community—a stunning 14-length win at Kempton over Christmas and a commanding 10-length victory against Burdett Road in the Triumph Hurdle Trial at Cheltenham in January. Nevertheless, despite the excitement surrounding him, Sir Gino did not compete in the Triumph Hurdle at the March Festival, opting instead to conclude his season with a Grade One win at Aintree. Throughout the summer, Henderson and the team engaged in extensive discussions regarding Sir Gino's future, considering whether to continue his journey in hurdles towards the Champion Hurdle or to take on the challenge of larger fences.
This past Tuesday, the decision was made clear when Sir Gino was entered into the lineup for the Fighting Fifth Hurdle at Newcastle, scheduled for November 30—an event typically aimed for his stable companion and star, Constitution Hill. In a recent statement, Henderson shared, 'Following thorough discussions with owners Joe and Marie Donnelly and Nico de Boinville, we decided that Sir Gino will focus on a career in chasing this season.' Given Constitution Hill's dominance in the hurdles category and the strong presence of State Man, the path forward was evident.
“Sir Gino has demonstrated significant potential in his schooling over fences,” Henderson remarked. “We’re optimistic about this path and have the successful transition of Buveur D'Air back to hurdles as a reassuring example if things don't go as intended. For the moment, chasing appears to be a natural progression, and Sir Gino is showing exceptional advancement.”
The eagerly awaited chase debut of Sir Gino could take place on November 25 at Kempton, where he is set to compete in a two-mile, two-furlong beginners' chase—an event that trainer Henderson has previously used to launch the careers of promising horses like Altior and Shishkin. Henderson remarked that the Kempton beginners' chase offers a good balance of challenge and accessibility, making it the perfect opportunity for Sir Gino to start his chasing career. 'We feel confident that this race, with its welcoming environment while still posing a significant test, is ideal for Sir Gino's introduction to chasing,' he added.
Although Sir Gino is entered for the Fighting Fifth, Henderson explained that this is simply a precaution. “It’s a just-in-case measure in case something stops Constitution Hill from taking part. However, the primary focus right now is on Kempton and the thrilling new path that lies ahead for Sir Gino.”
As the date in November draws nearer, excitement builds around Sir Gino's debut in chasing, with racing enthusiasts keen to see if he can translate his impressive hurdle skills to the world of fences.